Friday, March 13, 2015

I somewhat "lost" my religion recently by learning about some Ancient beliefs/facts that Jews know. Realizing that Krishna is likely Jesus, the parallels are so many, so obvious, and more, in Mahabharat, Bhagavatam, has set me back into religious Limbo Land in my head and I AM SUFFERING FROM IT, so I REALLY ASK PLEASE if anyone knows the things I ask below PLEASE fill me in. It's HARD to sort it out off the Web.


  1. Hey Das ji - fellow astrologer, musician, sensitive soul - Mahaksa here from UK (Martin Cockerham:Spirogyra).
    Krishna says in Gita that He is willing to help make people's faith strong in various gods (or I assume avataras). Just remember the simple proof is that in a million dollars you automatically have $100 $500 $1000 etc. Krishna is the only spiritual head (and this applies also to a lesser degree to hindusism in general or call it what you will - vedic culture) who entertains other spiritual paths. Krishna devotees acknowledge many other religious spiritual leaders as bona fide paths to God... wheras near to none of them can do that. Therefore they are not Supreme as they do not contain lower denominations of spirituality within them. Om


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