Friday, November 29, 2013

Big Egos in Little Bodies

Last time we checked on the humans, they had:
Big Egos in Little Bodies

Everyone dies, and then their bodies go poof, to dust. There’s not much left of a human after awhile. After a good long while, there’s nothing left at all. We’re quite small, mostly liquid, we dry up and dust away.

After just 100 years, your own descendants don’t know your name, or what you did in your life. We have no idea really about the lives of our ancestors usually. Whatever was important to them, is forgotten now.

We humans come and go on the Earth like a type of mold...we spread, take over, cover, just like a mold. Each body is just one spore of the patch covering that area. Like body odor, the output of each human and his or her household causes a smell upon the Earth. The Earth casually cleans and kills large swaths of area with humans included from time to time using it’s natural resources like floods and hurricanes. In such natural spinning occurrences we are victims, helpless against the strong tides caused by the complex spinning of the planet. 

Yet, we little specks of life on a planet, arising on the planet and suffering natural forces on the planet dare to say that we do not believe in Astrology. So many people say they do not believe in Astrology, when any sensible person can see that they are LIVING ASTROLOGY each moment, in that they are a living being on a ball,completely dependent exactly and only upon the natural forces that the ball is undergoing, is a part of, the greater universe, the exact orbit, distance from the Sun, everything...and it is further obvious to me, that the other planets are where they are for exact reasons of physics, so, the whole thing is quite exact, quite interrelated, and what we experience here is exactly tied into, a part of, the whole, and the state of the whole represents the state of the parts as well, they are in the same dance basically.

Astrology has been around as long as man it seems, and the planets outlive us for sure, and we are so small, and all our creations are small compared to the Earth and planets, and so we really shouldn’t have such egos as to declare that the planets and universe are meaningless and have no messages for us, no meaning we can read, no significance we can map. No, we should not have such egos. 

Wooden pieces of human bodies; Votive offerings made by ancient Celtic people in Europe thousands of years ago; Offerings to the Gods in the Waters in hopes of cures for the body parts signified by the wooden piece; Huge dams are formed by the mounds of these ancient hopeful religious offerings; Humans are ever hopeful for improving their situation in this world. All of the people involved in the above rituals are, of course, long dead.
Astrology has been around as long as man it seems, and the planets outlive us for sure, and we are so small, and all our creations are small compared to the Earth and planets, and so we really shouldn’t have such egos as to declare that the planets and universe are meaningless and have no messages for us, no meaning we can read, no significance we can map. No, we should not have such egos.

Flowers come up when the Earth gets warm, and in the Spring, all the creatures come to life and often get the mating urge. And spring is nothing more than your side of the Earth coming more into the Sun because it is approaching the side of it’s orbit in it’s yearly course around the Sun, where, due to it’s tilt, your area, your continent, will get more of the Sun during the day, hence longer days, hence warmer times, call it Spring, call it Summer, it’s really an orbital event involving the Earth and the Sun, a large burning ball, the heat of the rays of that fire fall upon our bodies, and all life on this planet. All life here is dependent upon the light from that fire. That fire is the source of the life here. The fire in us, the pumping hearts, the heat, the digestion energy, all energy, would go out, if that Sun went out. That is an astrological reality we live in. It’s logical, and it’s Astral, or of the Stars, for the Sun is a Star, so it’s “Astral-logy”.

The Moon plays a part in stirring up the waters of the Earth. It’s orbit and effect is rather logical, can be mapped, for we send things to the Moon for we know where it will be, for it’s orbit is logical, calculable, regular, normal.

And it is a planet to us, a ball in space, so it too is part of the Sky, it is astral, and it’s effects upon our lives due it’s many qualities are known as Astrology, for it is the logical study of astral matters, of which the Moon is certainly one.

Only smart people can study logical matters of the Astral bodies, for dumb people cannot follow such things. Even worse are the dumb people who say they do not believe in Astrology, because by God, they are living on it in every way. 

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