Saturday, May 23, 2015

Determinism Proof Software

I have made a software, which takes peoples birth data, and if you tell it what they have as attributes, it will group them with others with those attributes. It then studies the groups of people who share something. It makes a pyramid of data about what they share the most, a list of about 10,000 entries, individual pieces of astronomical parts there were in the charts of the people. All crunched. That's the patented part. Then you can present a chart, and the machine from IT'S studying, chooses what the person has, doesn't have, are they a soldier or a singer? Doctor or Taxi Driver? Will they get cancer or not, what career is best, all of these possibilities and many more are there IF it is Fed the data. I need huge chart collections WITH at least one word, career name, that's the minimum. Right now I have and am using a 4000 member fame database i have containing about 20 separate major careers. Using those real charts, I tested my system, and showed the results in the movie below on my FB page, also on Das Goravani on YouTube, it shows the software working and explains the process. This by itself, proves Jyotish, the Science of Astrology as a Science, for it is Completely Being Done By the Computer based ONLY on real facts and statistics garnered only from real charts, real lives. Since I can construct THUSLY, COMPLEX COMILATIONS of the factors that MAKE A GROUP "ONE"... then present to that, real people's charts, and see what it says.. Yes or No, Blue or Black.. I mean, for example, if I had a database of "CEO's" who were successful in their careers... I could tell you who is going to be one, or "How Likely" against a real scale, made by real others. If the System DID NOT WORK, then I could not have sorted all those "other" professions OUT of the MAJORITY of singers.. you see, I present my "Decision Engine" with the whole list of people all at once, and IT RUNS DOWN THEM judging them against the PRE MADE CONSTRUCTS that hold the KEYS to WHO GETS INTO that group.. WHAT THEY HAVE TO HAVE... it knows how to judge. It can and is being worked on by me at present, on refinement firstly. But, already, it PROVES that ASTRO FACTORS can "MAKE A MACHINE READABLE BLUEPRINT ASTROLOGICALLY OF ANY GROUP AGAINST WHICH CHARTS CAN BE PRESENTED AND A RESULT GIVEN BACK AUTOMATICALLY... IT"S capacity is all about what DATA it is FED. It doesn't care, at all, what it's about, gay verse straight, male verse female, Brazilian Verse American, if you FEED IT the DATA it WILL make the CONSTRUCT that identifies that group! I ALONE on EARTH HAVE THIS AS I JUST MADE IT, or finished it, after 20 years of building it. It judges charts to make the codes, and it has up to hundreds of thousands of them, but each chart on average gets about 1300 attributed to it, stored with it, and used to contribute to groups it is in, via this feature. This is privately owned and held, © Mr. Das Goravani PATENTS PENDING. At this time it is my idea to keep it as the base of many types of businesses and services to others, such as a in or via the form of a web service, easy to access from anywhere embed and have used on your website. There are many ways, I am aware of many. The point is, I did IT. I DID IT. CONSIDER THIS: GOD DOES NOT LISTEN TO PRAYERS, NOT IN REALITY. It's that big. It's big. If you don't get that.. you don't know what Determinism is, it's Pre Determinism, the belief that life is entirely completely pre determined by some force that created it, that I DO BELIEVE IN FULLY AS DID ALBERT EINSTEIN and MANY Physics Pro's Today. It's Obvious to you if you know physics, or think a long time about it, or know astrology and believe in it because you see it working, as I did, for the last 23 years. Now I have PROVEN that ASTROLOGICAL factors of reading REAL NASA GRADE SIDEREAL CHARTS made very accurately, 100% SOFTWARE ASTROLOGY, REAL, for Judging INCLUSION in ANY TYPE of GROUP that we can get many sample charts for, at least 200 say. The fact that I CAN do this, PROVES JYOTISH ASTROLOGY. THAT PROVES DETERMINISM AS WELL. This was their CAREER AT BIRTH !!!!! That is Determinism Being Proven ! Everything they have to do to be that career, is in there as well. Since I can do this, the IDEA of FREE WILL LOSES POWER. A LOT OF POWER. INSTEAD, mankind will learn to embrace "Flowing with your life". 

1 comment:

  1. Pandit Ramdial is a Famous Indian Astrologer in Canada. Present days People are facing lot of problems in their lives and each problem is not small thing. There are some big problems and some small problems. People usually lose hope when they are surrounded by problems. They are so disheartened that they lose the ability to think straight and sometimes do things which they are not supposed to do.

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