Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mercury and Brains

Brains is not ruled by Mercury. Mercury is more about transmitting or passing through. Picture a young boy with 8 other personalities (the other planets). He is not the brains of the Gods, no way. What he is is very energetic, very committed to serving, but the problem is, "who"?

Mercury’s big problem is not having the discrimination to know who to serve fully, and so he serves whomever. He takes them all seriously. Whoever he's with, he takes that in with belief.

One night the planets arose to find that he spent all night with Rahu, talking in Taurus. Oh brother, they had to slap him around all morning to wake him up from his drunken illusions.

Another time, he spent a cloudy day in Aquarius with Saturn and when he came home, just so happened that Mars was visiting the Sun when Mercury walked in the door- all in Gandhi rags but kind of stoned too. Made some pronouncements about the needs of the lower classes and revolution, then went upstairs and crashed out. The next morning he threw the weird clothes away without even being asked to do so...

So this is the problem with the boy. He's nice, but kind of untrained.

But boy is he a whip, quick with info, but not committed, he just learned it all from books- he doesn't stand for anything yet himself- but whatever he's read lately he sure memorizes nicely and can spiel it off through his chops real well.

But when you get all the big boys working together, thats when you get some quality brains going. When energy agrees to work for and with seriousness, and when Wisdom is listened to and is rightly motivated, and when power and nurturing also support where they should...then all goodness flows.

Mercury doesn't like hard work. He's more mental- and wants to experience things. Hard work goes on and on for long periods of time and there is a sense amongst those who do it that they are "forced" to by one reason or another. Mercury is young, nice looking, fresh, wants to play, socialize, be with the girls, go off and learn and argue, run around, be seen, talk, drive cars down the strip, go to the dance, get ready to go, go shopping, do something, take in something, but not sit in a dull uninspiring room working. Nope. Not the boy.....

...NOT VOLUNTEER to sit with grumpy old dried out Saturn in the rock pit cracking rocks all day...

More modernly speaking, Mercury is more where the intellectuals hang out discussing theory, than punching in numbers for using computers diligently. If you can publish an article about what you're doing, you might be Mercurial. If you can deal with lots of info and never change, or never commit to anything, then it might be Mercurial...

But if we're talking Jyotish and computer usage where it's possibly not for communicating first to somebody else, and where it's sincere work for committed pre-known purpose, and not just an intellectual excursion for fun or interest, then you may be Saturnian...

I agree that real work requires Mars and Saturn conjunction type energies in the chart. Energy and Staying put. That is power to move things. Mercury is not a powerful force, ever. Mercury is the power of concept, of perception, communication, movement, essentially it refers to movement around other things, it's the wavelength of attraction and interest. It is small, quick, green, hovers around powerful objects, is influenceable, useable equally by all dominant forces, a transmitter, a wire, an antenna, a message, a book, a picture, a photocopier is a very mercurial device, as is a computer monitor, no commitment- shows all info equally.

Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus all STAND FOR something, they have established personalities, whereas the Sun, Moon and Mercury are more influenceable because of who they are. Sun is diplomatic and Mercury is a diplomat. The moon is fragile, and gives off almost no energy of direction of it's own, but although not ever bad in her own nature, can be completely tormented and destroyed by outside influences due to being ever so fragile and in need of protection.

Rahu is a troublemaker and Ketu is purified.


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