Thursday, October 10, 2013


Sunlight. Too much can kill.  Too little can kill.  Without the Sun, there would be no life. Father Sun. Sun God. Vivavasvan, Surya, Sol, Sun, the source of heat.  By it's rays, all things come to life.  The world is the way it is, in large part because of the Sun. The movement of water, evaporation, clouds, seasons, photosynthesis, plant life, therefore all animal and human life, all depend entirely on the Sun for life.

From the fire of the Sun, comes all power that we have. Oil and coal would not exist, and we would not exist, without the Sun, and all the power in the planets, movement of anything, including water, is all made possible by the Sun, without which there would be dead stillness and freezing cold.  So, all electricity, which comes from movement, also comes from the Sun. That means the electricitly in our cables and in our nervous systems. Our movement, is therefore a gift of the Sun. Our vision, hearing, touching, smelling, thinking, movement, life, everything about our lives, is all made possible, first and foremost of all large things, by the Sun.

If life comes from God, then it makes sense to call the Sun "God", so to speak. So, worshipping the Sun was widespread, long ago. The hindus called their form of divination "The Science of Light", and the greatest light is the Sun, hence it really is the Science of Sunlight, and all light.

All energy comes from God, all things are related to His Light, all things depend on His Light, which is known as Jyoti in Sanskrit, and His Light is reflected back off every planet for our eyes to see them in the Heavens, and our world is lit by Him, and the Moon reflects His Light or Jyoti.

Since all things come from these rays, are dependent on these rays, which come at certain angles at certain times of the day and differently at different latitudes on Earth, so, all life is aware of this angular changing source, the Sun.  Plants lean towards it, people look in the sky for it.  We use it to time our calendar, and it warms our hearts and creates our days.

All things are dependent on the same rays which at each place are coming in at slightly different angles. Not only that, the reflections coming from the other bodies are similarly actually totally unique rays due to the exact nature of light rays. So the science of all these bouncing life giving and life directing rays is called the Science of Light by knowers and masters of the truth.

All energy comes perfectly from this perfect life giving center.  It gives us this life which is so wonderful.  But it can be abused, and sufferinig can be caused by our follies, in our own personal lives and in our health by our bad choices, and in war between people's due to their lack of ability to talk and deal peacefullly and diplomatically fully, foregoing war forever.

Why?  It is the abuse of energy.  Energy is divine, and orderly, and when you tune yourself to it, you flow with it, then you are one with it. This can be called "sinless" or just "intelligent" or "in tune" or "tuned into the universe", and we humans can feel it if we try, we can develop that, and we can learn it on paper and computer too, it is after all, a science, the science of life, of the Sun and it's rays.

Long ago studious monks and other brainy types, in India, Greece, Arabia, China, and elsewhere, all found similar things about the universal laws, and it came down to the energies come from heavenly bodies, could be seen to match events on earth. The sky matches the earth. Some used to call this astrology, but it's really the science of watching space and correlation with people and world events, and it's stunning how accurate this science is, at least when you tune into the oldest way it was done, which is different from the current popular way in America.

SUNLIGHT, is the source of LIFE. SUNLIGHT is therefore GOD. I don't mean literally, but the metaphor merits serious consideration by all who live on these rays, and that means you my friend.

It behooves you to know what was found, and still seen clearly by all who study it, that indeed, the sky matches the events on earth, in society, and in peoples lives.  It's as if, and so it is actually true we see, that all things are in "a one integrated readable system of unfoldment of awareness".

Indeed, with what I know, as a leader in studying these ancient mystical sciences around Sunlight and the synchronicity of the Universe, I can tell you with surety on my honor, that indeed, indeed!, there is a oneness to the Universe and things in it, including fully with every little detail in your life, down to microscopic reality.

In other words, the universe is an organism, and you are a part of it, even your purse or watch is a part of the organism, just as much as the earth itself, just on smaller scale.  Everything is predetermined you could say, or better, say it that it is all one, all the time, and because it is moving and churning in an orderly way (planetary orbits are fixed and therefore highly predictable), we can actually foretell the future "somewhat" (degraded by our inability to grasp all of space, so using only a thin zodiac belt, we proceed with a two dimensional chart, and thus it only goes so far, and our abilities to read only go so far because we are just not as big as the universe, therefore not as smart as it, and not able to fully read it, therefore not able to fully correctly ready your chart and life perfectly, no, we are too limited in ability to match the task.  Sunlight Readers are not God.

The Sun has been much celebrated by many cultures throughout history.  It has been called a God, even THE GOD.  But so far as we believe scientifically, it is a burning ball of nuclear flame and fuel burning it's way gradually towards it's own demise or transformation into a cooler state, where life as we know it would certainly be completely gone, with the Earth as blank as the Moon.

So it's needless to say, except for reminder and to set the scene, that all life here relies on the warmth and light from the burning Sun.  But take note, that is referring to organic life, not necessarily any other type of life, if there is any other type of life.  Indeed the Sun fires up all "bodies" with life, but what about "souls".  Is a burning nuclear ball in the material realm our "God" Supreme, if we are "souls", or something entirely different from matter?

Most likely NOT.  Not our God, not only that, just a part of the material creation in which we find ourselves.

Interestingly, we are standing on a ball spinning around the Sun, relying on that big camp fire, and all's that' really happening to us is we are learning one hard lesson after another about how to live human life. On an entirely personal level, that is what is going on.  Each of us is in our own head in our own world, our own private world, struggling to enjoy, dodging the difficulties, usually learning hard much so..that the worlds bumper sticker could be "Oh no, not another lesson".

Why would conscious beings be in a state of such constant struggle and pain, when they only want pleasure?  Why would they be in a world wherein and wherefrom they cannot tell for sure where if anywhere they "came from", and where if anywhere they are "going to" after mortal death, and many other questions?

Indeed, why would pleasure and life seeking conscious beings be stuck in bodies that rarely get pleasure and do not live forever?

Nobody can answer this for sure, but having been a life long student of the matter, I can tell you that my favorite and wisest conclusion is that we are sparks of a divine being, and we are earning our right to be independent by learning ourselves, in a disposable world (it's self destructs by and by), how to get along, one step at a time, evolving together, en masse, as a group, collectively, towards a more and more and ultimately fully divine future.

In other words, I'm religious and spiritually minded more or less, except I don't know who God is, don't have a religion per se, and don't care about either of these.

I do care that people here the various options for understanding life, and pick the one that strikes their heart as true. I think if people hear this one enough, the hearts on Earth will overall improve in their loving quality towards each other, as we become a family progressing, consciously interested together in collective enlightenment, collective security, safety, health and welfare.

Jyotish Astrology is a system of Astrology from India. But what matters is what it gives us. We don't need the Indian language per se, or culturisms, to benefit from this great gift, for it shows clearly, if you study it enough, that we are indeed in a huge system of lessons and outcomes, and that we will collectively grow forward towards more and more knowledge, towards the ultimate conclusion of life, which I believe we will find to be our own ascension to divinity or perfect and constant oneness amidst diversity, as opposed to law of the jungle amidst diversity as we have hear on Earth today. I believe we are mid process, and therefore the future is where the good stuff is. 

Many different types of people attach themselves to religions and it's institutions. I have met ruthless power abusing people in high religious positions. So all kinds come to religions, not just the very good hearted.

Sometimes books, ideas, culturisms, get formed by persons and their followers who are unfortunately stuck in a temporary idea, which over time, becomes obsolete, yet remains entrenched in our minds, in our scriptures, and thus still in our cultures and practices.

The truth is free from that stuff though. The truth doesn't care about our attachments and past culturisms that we keep on with.

The truth speaks through real results and real feelings. So we are on track when we feel good and we are healthy, and not based on artificial means, but real means, like real nutrition.

So when a religion has some old saying that no longer applies, you have to see it as that, just something from the past.  Real spirituality for today will work today, and create good will, joy and success today.  Spirituality is not about holding on to obsolete ideas strongly, to prove your devotion. That is for show-offs and the less-than-carefully-thinking.

So don't get hung up on the details which do not work. It should work. Our spirituality should WORK for us, it should DO something practical and good that improves life, and hence it should be meaningful.  It should not be as religion often has been, just a drudgery you go on with for the sake of not breaking traditions, but which otherwise, holds almost none of your interest, and you do so very unwillingly each week.

Real spirituality, and real knowledge, is the stuff that guides our REAL lives that we live each day.  It guides our choices, the natures of our kitches and bedrooms, and the way we live our private life even when nobody sees us.  That's real spirituality.  It's who you really are.

Only humans can choose to be spiritually guided. That's one of the wonderful things about being human.  We can choose to see life differently.  We can choose to not follow the law of the jungle.  We can choose to be selfless, not selfish, as the jungle law requires constantly.  We can choose to be vegetarian, something a Tiger in the wild cannot and will never do.

So we look out into space with the Hubble telescope, and we see gas clowds, universes, galaxies, black holes, unlimited endless galaxies, clusters, everything, it's an ocean of space stuff out there.  And we're all just on one speck of space dust, orbiting one burning ball and keeping warm that way.

For me personally, the thought that this is all just random chance unplanned chemical garbage happening spontaneously and for no reason whatsoever, is absurd.  I am absolutely definitely instead on the side of that this is a creation by a higher authority, a higher place, that we are in a growth stage, and we have destinations of some sort, that life has purpose.

I draw this conclusion simply from how I look at people and history. I see a flow, to history, and to our lives. I see us starting one way, and ending another, implying learning, and I see kids coming in all variegated in ability, I see reincarnation therefore as a possibility completely, and that the possibility of gradual spiritual development alongside material evolution towards a future transformation we are currently unaware of exactly, is highly likely.

I have seen too, that those who believe in believing, are "better people" in my mind. I find the ones who really believe correctly, to be the finest human beings.  In those who are atheistic, I often find qualities quite other than charming and kind. I have seen, and experienced, the presence of future prospect, hope, meaning, all have tremendously good effects on the human psyche.  Where such things became diminished in history and by location, we found the people eventually wanting in overall spirit and will to really live.

Well certainly one can, and some will, argure that life is meaningless, and if we find that, so what, and if we hate it, so what...I have heard tremendously negative philosophies like this from young Western people lately.  Real cynicism abounds; too much for my tastes, and I believe, their own good.





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