Sunday, November 24, 2013

Temporal Dust

Oh Mr Sun, how you do warm me, I walk in the bright light of day, and enjoy full warmth from your sturdy glow. 
Without you, this place would turn darker than the darkest night. There would be no light, eventually, no life.

Why on Earth, no, why in the heavens, are we stuck in a place dependent entirely on one burning star? How pathetic! Well, that is our situation, so we have to make the best of it. And what exactly might that be?

Well it sure the heck aint working like an ass day and night to establish a homestead that, by the time your done building it, you’re about to die anyway. No point in that!

Yet that is exactly what alot of people go about doing with their lives. They work on a house, until they die in it. They tend it, paint it, fix it up, repaint it, re-roof it. Ok, yes, we need to live somewhere, but it is kindof strange, how we live, with these short lives.

So we’re all living on temporarily, yet we’re fiercely defending our races, cultures and countries in wars. What? That doesn’t make any sense. You were born into the race, country and culture, it wasn’t some noble choice you made. Then, you’re only going to be in it very temporarily, before you are kicked out into the unknown again, and nobody can prove what happens there, yet based on therefore nothing, you’re going to war and pester fellow humans here in this temporary difficult life? What? That’s craziness.

I wish I could buy the lie of this place, and be all happy and everything, but I can’t. Maybe it’s my dad’s messed up genes, from World War II, or maybe it’s the Irish in me, or too much Hare Krishna, or too much of something I shouldn’t have done.

But in any case, I’ve seen the light, I mean the dark, of this place, the truth, the suffering. I don’t buy the lie. I don’t like Fox News, Bright White Lies, or people who pretend that everything is just grand, when for sure it is not.

The greatest lie is that we live here forever, and that our bodily identifications are our real identities. Since all here vanishes, and soon, and in a rude way it doesn’t care, nature, for any of our plans, our families, our dreams. It wipes it all out in an instant. Therefore, to act like you are your body, and to treat others like they are their bodies, is to play in a game that only goes so far.

I, you, we, everyone, will come to face, individually, that moment when they will be forced to let go of absolutely everything related to this life.

This world gives nobody protection, it’s only a temporary holding space. It’s a place to live, where the truth of our origins are shrouded in mystery, and we live in bodies which must perish, but they are so hung upon us that we become one with them, and very attached to them, and all that belongs to them, and then we are forced out, once again.

And since I can’t seem to forget these truths, ever, and enjoy like a fool in the sunlight of this planet, I feel like I am “afflicted” with knowledge. This place is anti knowledge, and knowledge therefore is like an affliction, but I’d rather have it, now that I do, than not, for once seeing, I do not choose to forget.

I choose to feel that the greatness that created this place, can do so again elsewhere, in a different way, and that there is a plan, a destination, some purpose to this journey of human life and carnage. For truly, in this place, there are massive amounts of pain, suffering, and carnage.

I choose to believe, and I choose to hold that thought, and I meditate, on an inner light, the living being, in me, and in all living things, and I believe in us, the life, the living beings, souls. I wish all souls, could love each other even now, even here. I wish the knowledge and light were everywhere. I dream on. Dream with me. Let’s keep going, towards more love



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