Monday, November 25, 2013

The Outcome of Proper Understanding ......(cont'd from last post)

When one properly perceives these truths, he or she will want to be a medium for proper light, which is awareness. Light or illumination is how we see something. The mind perceives something when it sees it. A person who sees these things want's others to see them because they know that if others do, more peace will result, and all will benefit.

When there are many, as now, who do not know the truth, they automatically know the un-truth. That is believing you are truly an individual.

When you do that, you automatically begin to seek to self protect, self promote, and those endeavors clash with all the others doing the same thing.

If all those units thought as one more-so, there wouldn't be clashing but cooperating.

Which is how it should be in order to promote total peace and joy.

So long as we indulge only our individuality, that long we will ignore our oneness and suffer thereby.
Balance is always present in all things everywhere in this creation, and probably all creations, but I'm concerned with ours, please join me.

So, we should know that we must be as much one as we our individual, to keep the balance, which means, to keep life nice. When it goes out of balance, that is not fun or nice. That causes the need for massive adjustments and those are painful, as it is now in everyone's financial lives, in many countries, including this America where I live, where it seems to have somewhat originated (no surprise there).

When you see Jyotish properly, and are an intelligent human, you give up being a selfish (one sided) person and become a citizen of the spiritual kingdom which includes all life and all matter and all that we do not yet see.
Then, you are automatically perfectly aware of and interested in always being balanced with everyone and everything, which means seeing all needs and being aware of all that is true. You no longer have your blinders on called "My selfish helping glasses". Those are what everyone is wearing. They help them to focus only on themselves and what is important to the senses of their current body, and which exclude the exact same things for others.

For example, many people eat meat. This means taking for oneself, and directly harming another to do so.
It is selfish, one sided, therefore it causes pain and misery, which will come back to you, perfectly for each tasty bit you put down your throat.

The world is that way.

Therefore highly aware people like Gandhi said that he would not kill even to save his own life. That is the state of awareness I expect of all people, because it is all so obvious to me, but instead, I see that all do not understand or follow his ethics, and I see them reaping the results, in their lives, in our world. I see that Christians professing to follow a man who did exactly what Gandhi did, do not follow his main teachings, this main teaching, of being so humble as to turn the other cheek. He did not fight, even with his supposed magic. He showed that he was able to go with the flow, and he showed that the flow currently kills it's very best.


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