Saturday, December 14, 2013

Use of Free Will after Foresight

Predictive Astrology, which does work well enough to say assuredly that Astrology and Predeterminism are both "real", seems to stand opposed to the popular and seemingly blatantly obvious reality of "Free Will". Most people on Earth definitely believe in Free Will. Very few really believe in PreDeterminism fully.

But I definitely do, so I've had to somehow find a harmony and balance between these two seeming opposites, seemingly mutually exclusive, concepts, because rationally speaking, they both cannot exist simultaneously, but practically speaking, they definitely do, so I had to figure this out.

I have for years come to a certain conclusion, which I still hold, which can be summarized as: They both exist. Fate is more real. Free Will is more of apparition, or illusion. But the illusion causes the pain and lessons, which are the intent, until the entity shifts consciousness to full detachment from matter, at which time Predeterminism becomes an acceptable concept because the entity is so surrendered and done anyway.

For a long time this concept, which I feel is found in Sri Caitanyas famous axiom "Baed-abaed', which tells us that indeed, we are one with, yet also simultaneously different from, God, and everything.

In other words, although we are in God, one with God, never separate from God, that would be impossible, so we are in a singular entity whose totallity we are a part of, therefore we are fully within that entities control, never separate, never independent, all independence being only an illusion in our consciousness which is an etheric mental play of visions only in the screen of our brains, and have nothing to do with actual reality, although that is true, still, simultaneously, we are separate, in that our consciousness is singularly aware of our particular body within the whole, and we appear to be deciding, moving, thinking, doing, etc., ourselves, with "will", or with "our own mind" which is "free to think as it wants".

So we feel that this is true inside ourselves, yet we cannot deny either that we are in a "oneness" that is quite "wholistic" in that it includes literally every thing. So we feel the free will side more, and we can infer and understand the oneness side.

Actually however, our minds views of life, are far less real actually, than the fact that we are in the one. For example, if within the one, it is your destiny today to die in a car wreck, then what is the use of your plans for tommorrow? Your mind is so busy with it's own reality, that often, usually, the real reality comes as a surprise.

Most teachers of enlightenment start with this fundamental concept, that you must forego listening to the ever chattering mind, which rips off illusory stories to you as if it's in a constant state of speculative story creating, which it is.

The mind is constantly speculating about what everything means that it sees through the senses, but it also invents complete stories to explain everything to you, which are often, usually, not true. The book by Byron Katie (a woman), called "Loving What Is" makes this painfully clear. It's a very interesting and often life altering book.

I find it interesting that although the Celts apparently had some astrology, they were as a religious people, apparently completely devoted to the concept of Free Will for humans. Humans they felt, apparently according to scholars, had complete Free Will, and were held accountable, like Karma, and could by their own will and actions, become perfect in this life.

Now certainly the Hindus believe this too. But a total fatalistically thinking person will say: "If you can do it, it was in your karma to do so, and those who can't, it was not. Keep trying."

Of course, whether you keep trying, or simply die then, is also in your karma. So the fatalist, must by definition be total in that. I am that way. On the one side, I can see, quite clearly I believe, that everything is predetermined in this realm of ours that we are in and experiencing. EVERYTHING. Including all future births in complete and utter totality. It's completely written.

On the other hand, what is the use of that knowledge? Nothing. There is no real use of that knowledge on Earth within one's practical life. It is more about meditation and deeper vision, honing one's relationship to God when one is a very advanced soul in human form. Those are the uses of such knowledge I feel or am aware of.

For most people, Free Will is the Vehicle by which  concentrating on, they will make the most progress, because the burden of responsibility will create action and devotion to virtue. The thought that at each moment you are "being your best" and thus going forward, or wallowing in pitty or doubt, could conceivably to me be quite motivating.

So perhaps this is why the Celtic race and civilization spread so far so fast during it's highest times in Europe, prior to Rome's incursion.

It's interesting of course, that to this day, the West remains the harbor of the Free Will idea while the East continues to remain the harbor for the idea of Fate, much more than the West. For example, in India and China, the concept of fate is much stronger and the use of astrology much higher.

The Christian Highest God, the Father of Jesus, God of Heaven, is alot like the Celtic God Celi, who is the highest, unseeable, one Supreme being, or "God". It's exactly similar, except the Celts, believed heaven is full of fun and party, underneath Celi's private abode, which nobody can go to, no human soul. Only Celi and perhaps his Innermost.

The Celts focused less on this deity, whom they did fully believe in, and instead focused on the feminine half of God, whom they felt more tie to being within her creation, her energies, which were replenished by the Male half, Celi, but we are more in direct contact with her they felt.

This is one reason the Christian ideals spread easily amongst Gauls. And, still to this day, for example, in America, there is a general belief in an unseen God, and a general belief mostly in free will, and almost no faith in astrology. This is very Celtic, in some senses. It paralells the effects of their religion, but lacks the understanding and spirit. It's showing as, as usual, that the outter activities tend to pass on easily, while the inner understandings which give the culture it's true virtues and it's grace, get lost, and you end up with, well, like America, a land of people who definitely have a culture, but they don't know what to call it, or where it came from.

It is the American culture to:

Believe in a God we know nothing about
Believe in a heaven we know nothing about
Believe that the soul can go there
Believe it's OK to kill and eat animals
Believe in free will mostly, not fate

There are many laws against astrology still on the books all over America, though they are seldom applied, still, there are lawsuits on a regular basis still against astrologers. You hear about cases from time to time, and it's usually a government entity against an astrologer. This more or less represents the feelings of the general people in the Celtic lands some time after the Romans and Christianity had settled there ways in fully. The Druids, what was left of them, were thought of only as magicians, sorcerors, and not looked highly upon at all. The Priest had replaced them. Anyone who practiced the old ways in the New America was burned at the stake. Ouch. So much for freedom of religion here in the Early days. If I spoke like this back then, I would have been burned immediately. Nostradamus had to take so much effort for this reason. Now I am speaking straight out, come what may. That is the way of the Celt anyway. That is the way of Truth. And Truth is the last leg of Dharma today. So I speak for Celts, and I speak for the Dharma of the Hindus.

The Government of Singapore contacted me to tell me that I cannot run my astrology software ad in Hinduism Today since that paper is mailed to subscribers in Singapore, and my ad is illegal, because it MENTIONS astrology. They have serious censoreship in Singapore apparently. And that country is a mix of all religions really.

But the American culture is simply the remnants of the various European tribes, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, Romans, etc. We have the activities, like Holloween from the Celts, the alphabet and government of Rome, the babes from the Nordic region (the blonde idols), and so many more much better more intelligent examples...

But we lost touch with the old faiths and cultures that gave rise to our culture. We were taught to forget it after the Roman incurrsion was well footed for say 300 years amongst us. After that much time, you had plenty of Christianity coming in with government approval and directly confronting the old religions. Various warriors and tribes tried to fight them off, first the military incursion of the Romans, then later the more subtle and destructive incurrsion of Paul's Christianity, but ultimately, it turned out that Christianity and Roman ways won the day.

Now people like my father and mother, ended up with Christianity, and therefore no religion that related to the Earth. Nothing that related to sex, nor dance, food, war, astrology, astronomy, reasonable creation theories, reasonable cultural laws, reasonable lineage of reasonable roots and reasons for acceptance, etc. We had no culture. My mother said “We’re Irish”. That’s all. Nothing more. I never knew one thing more than that.

Like, excuse me, but why should all of Europe, with it’s various similar forms of the ancient religion, which was apparently quite similar worldwide, give into the religious ideas of Paul, who was modifying the ideas of one prophet, Christ, a Jew, who said he came only for Jews.

In Pauls letter to the Galatians, he uses all kinds of reasonings which only apply to Jews. It’s also obvious that his religion, Paulist Christianity we can call it, is especially formed so as to make it possible for Paul to be washed of the sins he committed prior to conversion.

To think that a Christian can go to India and tell the Hindus there to give up the Vedic path completely, and become a Westerner Christian under their guidance... I’m not sure how to summarize that. I’m not sure how to file it in my head. The bigotry, lack of appreciation of culture, lack of appreciation of individuality, and cultural differences, differences in climate, races, religions, so many things... and to think that “one size fits all” and “everybody elses religion should bow to mine”... This is Paul acting just like he did before his conversion...

Before his conversion, he was torturing and persecuting, sometimes killing Christians. He was a fanatical Jew. So you could say, he had put himself very much under Jewish law, and was acting as if he believed in it so much, that he was willing to hurt, mame, and kill people who followed Christ, the new religion, the new cult in his home turf.

Later, he says God talked to him. At this point, he became a heavy Christian. He never met the 12 apostles and Christ while Christ was on Earth. Later he met with one or more of the Apostles to try to get their blessings for his mission with the gentiles, the non Jews. The original Apostles were following Christ and therefore felt that they could not teach Christianity to anyone but a Jew.  Paul was different. He took it to Europe. He didn’t care. In doing this, he says some things which are good, such as “who cares about circumcision?”. That’s nice. It’s an unnecessary evil that should be abandoned immediately by one and all.

But, he assumes that the Gauls need Christ, need Paul, need to throw away their religion, and that they should. Paul feels that everyone should listen to him, and throw away their old religions, and just be saved by faith alone in Christ. He’s still killing, but now he’s killing other religions and cultures, in the name of his old enemy, probably to make sure he makes it into the heaven of his invention. This one person did so much. Wow. Can you believe it?

What did the West do, to have their main prophet for modern times, be one such a person as a converted murderer ?

And why did we let him totally overthrow our entire culture?

You know, that’s a real good question that is answered only by very complex discussions about historical details that will show you basically how sometimes in live situations simply become persuasive on people in such a way so that they basically are led into the new situation, whether they like it or not, whether it’s right or not. This is how many Hindus became Muslims, and Christians.

That’s exactly why, now you have White people everywhere, who don’t care about the land, the Earth, pollution, raping other cultures and resources, whatever, because their religion now has nothing in it really. There’s nothing gripping or Earthbound in Christianity at all. It’s simply a story, and faith. That’s it. There’s no dance, no culture, no nothing. It’s one prophet, and they always stare at his electric chair, and pound themselves with guilt about completely natural parts of the Earth and their bodies, and so forth. It’s pathetic. It’s days are over. They punish each other for having sex, they have no respect that leaders have higher sex drives, though their leaders have multiple partners they disallow it for their followers. (The preachers are often caught, which means they’re doing it regularly, with prostitutes, of course, that’s obvious, and Clinton, and all hot firey men, c’mon, get real, only Christianity beats you up over this. The woman don’t, the men don’t, it’s the guilty rule bound priest head who can’t open to both sides of life, one being control, the other being surrender, male and female. The Priest Head is just all male, and doesn’t want to let anything in. Needing wives is like letting something in, admitting something. The pride of hiding your sexuality has become the norm. That is not healthy. Loosen up.  There should not be so many dildos being sold, and simultaneously horny men everywhere. Instead, put the two together. Stop the Christian guilt influence, but also, be trained about the potency of your reproductive systems to bring forth a stranger into your life who you must serve for 20 years selflessly, and for woman, even with your body directly in very many lasting ways, so, cut the cords, tie the tubes, wear the condoms, and know what you’re doing, but by all means, make love, for the Love of Jesus and Paul, make love.

It is true what Paul says, about how one who moves completey in Love of God, is above the Laws of religion. This is also stated in the Gita, for such a person will automatically perform perfect actions always due to their purity of heart, mind, everything.

However, that is theoretical only, and hardly ever seen, though occasionally the Earth is fortunate to host one such Saint now and then. But generally, most of us, are still in the process of purificaton through turmoils, unfortunately.

So, God revealed long ago, a process whereby those of less faith, could engage in a system of religion which involved their lives, and kept them reminded of God, and kept them engaged in some external, formal, form based, religious practices, because otherwise they would have nothing, since they are not pure, but prone due to their human natures to simply turn to constant gratification of their own egos and sets of senses, and all hell will literally break lose. There must be some restraints on each living being, especially humans, since they are so capable.

As humans move around in society, and brush by each other, unspoken laws govern their dealings. These laws are built into their cultures and are passed on in early life automatically. This is how cultures survive. So since we have had our connection to the Earth through our faith-religion-paradigm severed by Paul, with his reasonings AGAINST “worshipping the Gods of nature”, therefore we now have pollution on a grand scale, and a culture, at least in America, based around electronics, plastic, constant new entertainments, no real thinking or memorizing of anything, no real reading by most youths, and just basically stupid full speed ahead materialism.

Christianity, well it’s obvious to youths that it somehow just isn’t relevent. Religion is not “in” right now at all. All hip shows, hip magazines, hip everything, modern culture en total, NEVER EVER MENTIONS religion pretty much at all. The closest you get is like, power bracelets or something, or glow in the dark “The force be with you” sticks...

But there is culture and belief built into all of us. Like I said, almost all Americans, well the White’s in general anyway, they are like: I believe in God, don’t know much about him, I believe in Heaven, don’t know much about it, I figure everybody good goes there, whatever. I hunt and eat meat.... etc. This is the average American. They also do NOT believe in reincarnation nor karma, nor vegetarianism for respecting animals souls. They do not wear any ornaments to represent faith or belief, you cannot tell one from the other, and most do not attend any rituals of any kind, especially feminine type things like anything related to the Earth, Ancient Culture, etc. Most Americans go to Church perhaps once a year and can’t wait to leave. I’m talking total generalized averages here OK? Don’t get on my case please. See the point, which I’m getting to.

So average people, it says in the Gita, and the Druids recomended it too... should engage in making offerings to the Gods, and in this way pray for everything they want, no matter what it is, since this is the only way they can relate to God, is as a provider and magic happiness producing entity. Fine. They’re encouraged to have that relationship. The external form of a god helps, because the person can set the offering before the Idol, and bow before the Idol, and fall in love with their statue, and carry on a mental relationship with God this way.

People in India have been, and are doing, this very thing, every day, as they have for many many thousands of years. Fortunately, Christianity never conquered India. Therefore, you could say, India is a bit like Ireland, in that, it remains one of the last countries to retain something of an ancient culture, same with Scotland and some other places too.

But India is special in that, it is so huge, and so much still in it’s ancient ways and shape. You can go there, travel around, and really sit in places which are thousands of years old, ancient buildings, caves, temples, amazing things... and feel the history, feel the prayers of people for thousands of years in the same place, in the same language, the oldest language, the oldest culture, is still living, and it’s the largest democracy on Earth.

In a real wide sort of sense, you could say India is the last Celtic country, in that it is still being led pretty much by the Druids (Brahmins) who are still pretty much vegetarian even if the people are fading fast... and all people pretty much still believe, and engage in some form of small sacrifice and recognition of divinity still, and the culture is still fully in place in so many ways.

So it’s one of the last, definitely the greatest of the lasting, surviving, ancient cultures. Therefore it is a boon to all of Earth. Now I know why I got so involved with India. It was training. Just as others, perhaps including Jesus of Nazarath, went to India for spiritual training, then returned and taught in their own lands, so I am doing that.

I find my training in Hinduism makes it much easier to understand and accept the things I’m learning about other ancient cultures. Since I’ve lived at my Druids place, and bowed, and did the student thing, with full surrender etc., so I understand the strict disciple process that used to be used worldwide it seems, to preserve culture, create priests, those vital people who go out and serve others with their knowledge in the areas of

spiritual training

medicinal help of all types as possible

musical and artistic knowledge

cultural knowledge

calendar knowledge

knowledge of magic, incantation, purification, worship, law, etc.

The brahmins and druids took all these things on, and it was their duty, since they are naturally the one’s in society who have the best brains. The greatest fighters are the warrior leaders, leaders of society border issues, therefore sometimes trade regulation, etc. Since they lay down their lives to protect others, they expect others to do what they say when necessary. The brahmins/druids guide these men to make good decisions and stay in power, win, and be good kings etc.

This was in place, in Europe, and in India, and without any respect for these cultures, others have gone in and tried to replace them. In the case of Europe, they were sucessful. They pretty much wiped out Druidism, and Celt Land, Gaul, turning it ultimately into France, AngleLand, ErinLand, Deutchland, etc. and ultimately, everybody forget their original culture completely, which is why now that we can talk more freely, we find some revivals of some sorts occuring.

I am writing about these things in hopes that one day, if I hone my skills in presenting this, and the works of others go on nicely, that one day, hopefully in my lifetime, we will see a broader sense of religion return to the White people’s in America, where they feel it their right, that it’s OK, and that they’re not going to go to “hell”, if they put a flower in front of a statue of Mercury, Lugh, and ask for his blessings in whatever their up to that day.

I hope for that day when everyone is taught, in public schools, what I’ve written herein, as truth, because I really feel it is truth.

Nobody is questioning what Paul did, but what he did, and what he wrote, and what he said, has literally become the basis for most of the entire Western era in which we live. Christianity did have a stronghold. People were hung and burned and killed for it over and over in the thousands of thousands worldwide because of Paul’s incursion of HIS religion into Europe.

Sometimes there are singular people who change history. In recent memory we have Hitler. A little further back, Napoleon. Further still, we have Paul, and Christ, Mohamed, Budha, etc. These personalities by themselves changed the course of history.

Well, I wish to do the same thing. Starting right now, this minute

June 16, 2002   3:04 PM  Eugene Oregon USA

I would like to ask everyone to reconsider carefully where Paul was coming from. Read his words for yourself and use your modern thinking. Think about how you would feel if someone had his mood and approached you to basically totally rearrange your culture and life, totally destroy your old ways, replace them with essentially nothing, and leave you like that.

Look at the mood of the preacher, the missionary, Paul. Read his letter to the Galatians carefully. He pretty much states the entire Paulist Christian doctrine therein. It’s exactly what I was told all my life, that never made sense then, and still doesn’t now, because I’m too smart to accept a religion which is relevated to the present planet and peoples by the inventor... uh, uh, that isn’t religion in my book. Religion in my book is eternal, should be permanent, not related to any particular land or peoples. It’s universal. Judaism is often by nature too localized, as is Islam, and therfore Christianity. These all have that Jewish root, Abraham, Moses, etc. The ten commandments, Angel Gabriel, etc.

Their are parts of the Celtic beliefs that were localized back then, and therefore I’m not into those either. I’m not favoring anybody. Same with Hinduism. I’m interested in universal truth that makes us all the same, and then the differences. I do find so much similarity, when you just go back prior to this invention by one man, who had an extremely guilty conscience to start with. He had killed and persecuted sweet surrendered people. Naturally when he realized what he had done in the name of the old Jewish law, in became imperative for him to invent the new covenent of Christ, and preach it all over. Since he was no longer using his energy to kill, now he had to do something energetic. This is more true than what he says is true.

Europe didn’t need Paulism if you ask me. It needed education in it’s own ways, and in ways paralell to it’s culture. Judaism is for the Jews, and Christ was for the Jews. He said so Himself, and the Apostles trained under him followed that, and it died out as it should have, just some hundreds of years after Christ. But Paul’s Church grew and grew and is alive and well and still offending people everywhere today by spreading guilt and pain in their teachings, in the form of basic disrespect for the cycles of life, including reincarnation and the fact that all living things have souls.

Also, because Christianity wiped out the cultural side of the religions it conquered, so the white people have nobody telling them to memorize instead of relying on books, to pray, to make offerings, nobody showing them how to make offerings the old way. The books that do teach such things, are only sold now as “Witchcraft” and capitalizing on the dark stigmatication Druidism received over the last 2000 years of abuse, today we even sell our ancient religion to each other all covered in black ink, bats, witches, dark imagery, fangs and blood.

Sorry, but Druids wore white robes, because black was considered good for making evil. They wore black when they wanted to really do harm, so they never wore black, until the last and final Roman incursions, then the Druids die their best/darkest, which wasn’t good enough, obviously, which shows, that free will, is after all, contained within the one, and that therefore, is not ultimate.

But a Celt would never care about that, and that is correct. Because, it behooves us to always try for the highest octaves of ourselves, whether we fail or not. This is also in the Gita. We should “die trying” to do our dharma, so to speak. That was the essence of the Celt. To do their very best, for who they were, for the Gods, for the advancement of their own soul, so that they could reach one day that blessed place, of eternal pleasure, after paying there way, through this level, known as the level of struggle.

Higher than passionately pursuinig one’s natural life and desires and offering sacrifices etc., is to walk in total enlightenment and action all the time. This is very rare. Therefore, common people are always encouraged to be fully religious, in ways that constantly remind them, and keep their natural propensity to cheat and be selfish, in check. For this, it requires that the religion be in the bathroom, the barn, the bedroom, and not just in the Church.

We used to have our religion everywhere. Now we only have it in church, with the dead guy on the electric chair. Talk about worshipping skulls.

Why do they put down Druids for having skulls, when in their church they have somebody hanging dead in front all the time, and they kiss the feet of the dead body and say they are eating it, and say they are drinking the blood of the dead person as well. I’ve heard it with my own ears.

I went there, and they said all those things, and the priest even changed water and wine into blood like magic, and then drank it, and he turned ordinary bread into flesh, I saw that too, and that’s what he said, and they are sworn to tell the truth, like our Druids, and the priest then ate the flesh.

I also heard him say that our religion is false, completely false, and that we are all going to an awful place after we die, no matter how good we have been in our lives, no matter, we are all going to this awful place, unless we surrender to their God, who is the dead guy on the electric chair.

And they also want us to do some things exactly the ways the Jews do those things. The Jews, oh yeah, they’re a small race down South, and the dead guy came from them. So they say we have to be like them in that small tribe down South. I’ve heard of them. They were Egyption slaves, and they got free and came West more to the Mediterranean area more or less. So these priests are part Jew, and part follow the dead guy. Their people say they do know some magic, like how to change water into blood, but since they always drink it, nobody knows for sure if it’s true yet.

I don’t like how they’re treating the children so well. They’re all starting to turn on their parents. Have you noticed that?

These priests are encouraging us to cut and mame our baby boys little dicks, can you believe that?  They talk so bad about sex, they’ll have us all being celibates intstead of celebraties. They walk slow, head down, seeming sad and as if they are bad people. Our people are happy, walk tall, and don’t act guilty at all. I prefer our ways.

They say we don’t love God, but we do, as everything we do is based around Celi and Ceridwen, God and Goddess, everything. They say we don’t know God, but they nothing that we don’t already know, in fact, we know so much more.

It’s our right, to turn around, to find God, and His cabinet, “The Gods”, who are the planets, and others, and it is our right, to worship them, and forever leave away this concept that “Idolotry is evil” and that “sex is evil” and all these things that Paul dreamed up for the Gauls, and all the other tribes of Europe, because he had a need to be forgiven for his previous raids on the enemy. We do not have that feeling. We deal with these things a different way.

It’s our right to turn back. We can learn again from our old brothers and sisters the Hindus. They agreed with us most. And fortunately, some of us had the brains to write some things down with the monks in Erin Land some time ago.

In any case, there is no need to lament. Everything we seek, as always, will be given to us by Kali, Celi, Ceridwen, Chandra, day and night, ahoratri, Kala-Celi, father time, the Sun, the revelation of God’s energy, to us on Earth, on which we rely, for everything.

Mother below and Father above, day and night, nothing but love.

We can find our way back. It’s time. It’s time to reopen our hearts, and let more religion back into our lives. No Christianity. No, not at all. I mean real religion. The religion of reality, which is that we are one with the Earth as it’s children, and the other planets, are also with us, and important, like the Earth, and the Stars too, and everything about nature talks, speaks, is conscious and important. Nature is important. We shall begin now with a new respect for dirt, for rocks, for sky, for fire, for water, for plants, for trees, and for people, for sounds, birds, fish, insects, seasons, changes, and everything else that is perceivable and non-perceivable, we shall be in awe, respect, humility, gratititude, duty, and love. We shall try in other words, to be always righteous, but always forgiving too, and in this way, self driving, and others serving, self examining, others accepting, self heavy, light on others.

It is the time of the return of the best of the old, to be combined with the best of the new. You know how. It’s natural. Love is natural. You don’t need to be oppressed. You hardly need to be taught it. You know it. Everyone does.


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